
The National Cyber ​​Conference was held in the organization of the Regulatory Body for Electronic Communications and Postal Services RATEL - National CERT and the Foundation "Register of the National Internet Domain of Serbia" (RNIDS) on October 23, 2024.

This conference was attended by representatives of the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals, Jasmina Pavlovic, Head of the Group for Information Technologies and Communication, and Ana Gajic, Advisor for analytical and professional-operational affairs.

The conference presented current topics, initiatives and activities that raise awareness of threats on the Internet, methods of protection and safer use of the Internet.

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Predstavnici Direkcije za mere i dragocene metale (u daljem tekstu: DMDM), Slobodan Zelenika, šef Odseka za dužinu, optičke veličine i akustiku i Aleksandar Jevremović, metrolog za dužinu, učestvovali su u radu EURAMET Tehničkog komiteta za dužinu (EURAMET TC-L), u periodu od 21. do 23. oktobra 2024. godine, koji je održan hibridno.

Organizator i domaćin sastanaka bila je Direkcija za mere i dragocene metale, kao nacionalni metrološki institut Srbije  (DMDM), a sastanak je održan u hotelu Mona Plaza, u Beogradu.

Sastanku je prisustvovalo oko 50 eminentnih stručnjaka iz većine evropskih zemalja, predstavnika nacionalnih metroloških instituta (NMI), imenovanih instituta (DI), predstavnik EURAMET-a i gosti iz drugih RMO.

Na početku sastanka prisutne je pozdravio v.d. pomoćnika direktora Sektora za razvoj metrologije DMDM Nikola Petrović i poželeo svima uspešan rad.

Na sastanku se razgovaralo o ključnim i dopunskim poređenjima, kao i ostalim EURAMET TC-L projektima, mogućnostima merenja i etaloniranja (CMCs), saradnji u okviru evropskih metroloških mreža (EMN) i digitalne transformacije, projektima evropskog partnerstva u metrologiji (EPM), kao i o svim ostalim relevantnim pitanjima iz oblasti metrologije dužine iz delokruga rada TC-L.

Tokom ovog sastanka održana je i radionica, u okviru koje su predstavnici TC-L putem video linka učestvovali u radu redovnog godišnjeg sastanka Evropske metrološke mreže za naprednu proizvodnju (EMN Advanced Manufacturing) - otvorenom sastanku sa zainteresovanim stranama (Open Stakeholder Meeting), čiji je domaćin bio nacionalni metrološki institut Nemačke (PTB).

Drugog dana sastanka učesnici su posetili DMDM. Poseta je obuhvatila obilazak laboratorija za dužinu, akustiku, masu, električne veličine i termometriju. Tokom posete, učesnici sastanka upoznati su sa mogućnostima merenja i etaloniranja i međunarodnim i razvojnim projektima svake laboratorije, kao i sa nacionalnim etalonima, koji se čuvaju, održavaju i unapređuju u tim laboratorijama.

Planirano je da se sledeći godišnji sastanak TC-L održi u oktobru 2025. godine, u organizaciji nacionalnog metrološkog instituta Poljske (GUM).

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Friday, 18 October 2024

End of Daylight Saving Time

Based on the Law on Time Calculation ("Official Gazette of the SCG", No. 20/06), daylight saving time in 2024 ends on Sunday, October 27, 2024 at 3 h, 00 min, 00 s, so that, moving back one hour, the time at 3 h, 00 min, 00 s counts as 2 h, 00 min, 00 s.


Тhe Congress of Metrologists 2024 was held in the period from October 9 to 11, 2024, at Lake Palic, organized by the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Subotica, the University of Novi Sad, the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals (hereinafter: DMDM) and the Society of Metrologists of Serbia, which aims to exchange information, scientific and professional knowledge in certain areas of metrology.

In front of the Association of Metrologists of Serbia, those present were greeted by prof. Dr. Sinisa Delcev, president of this society. The following works were then presented:

  • Accreditation and challenges of the digital laboratory - prof. Dr. Vukan Ogrizovic, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Subotica;
  • Chargers for electric cars from the point of view of metrology - Dr. Dusan Matijasevic, DMDM;
  • Quantitative determination of bisphenol A (BPA) in food and the environment - prof. Dr. Vesna V. Antic, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade;
  • VISION BEYONG PRECISION - Martin Plechinger, NIKON Metrology, Vienna, Austria.

During the three-day duration of the congress, 67 participants and interested parties had the opportunity to participate in the work of sections based on the program of the Congress of Metrologists 2024.

Authors and/or co-authors of papers at the Congress of Metrologists 2024 from DMDM ​​are: Dragan Pantic, Nikola Petrovic, Cedomir Belic, Dr. Jelena Bebic, Sofija Vukovic, Luka Gazevic, Slobodan Zelenika, Gordana Stefanovic, Aleksandar Jevremovic, Nebojsa Stankovic, Slavica Simic, Vladan Stepanovic , Svetlana Stanisavljevic and Dr. Mladen Miric.

More about the Congress of Metrologists 2024 at the link:

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The Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals (hereinafter: DMDM), the Section for dimensional, optical quantities and acoustics plans to organize an inter-laboratory comparison (PT scheme) in the field of dimensional sizes for interested accredited and other laboratories:

1. Calibration of micrometers for external measurements

All interested laboratories from the country and region who want to participate in the mentioned comparison can submit their request/application in free form to the address: Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals, 11000 Belgrade, Mike Alasa 14, to email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., no later than November 15, 2024.

Participating laboratories will bear the costs of the interlaboratory comparison, as well as the costs of transporting the calibration items. The laboratories are obliged to ensure the transport of the standards themselves to the next participating laboratory in accordance with the schedule from the technical comparison protocol.

Along with the request submitted to DMDM, it is necessary to attach proof of payment of the republican administrative tax in the amount of RSD 400.00. DMDM, as a pilot laboratory, after collecting requests, will provide all participants with a technical comparison protocol and a payment order in the amount of RSD 42,200.00 and determine the start date of the mentioned activity.

Representatives of the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals, Ljiljana Micic, Head of the Group for volume and flow and Rade Dereta, Head of the Group for Electrical Quantities, attended the meeting of the WELMEC Working Group for Gasometers and Electricity Meters (WELMEC WG11) which was held online on October 1, 2024.

The meeting was attended by 44 participants, representatives of national metrology institutes (NMI), designated bodies (NoBo), interested parties and other European and international organizations.

The conclusions of the meeting of the Committee for European Cooperation in Legal Metrology (WELMEC) and the reports of subgroups for gas meters and electricity meters were presented at the meeting.

The Chairperson of the Working Group for Meters at the European Commission (WGMI), Zsuzsanna DAKAI, presented the planned amendments to the MID European directive regarding gas meters and electricity meters.

Also, cooperation with other organizations, such as OIML (TC8/SC7 and TC12), CEN (TC237), CENELEC (IEC TC13), EURAMET TC-F, was presented at the meeting.

Proposals to amend WELMEC Guide 11.5 and 11.7, which are under the jurisdiction of WELMEC WG 11, were discussed and adopted.

The next annual meeting of WELMEC WG 11 is scheduled to take place in September 2025 in Helsinki, Finland.

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WG 11 Gas and Electricity Meters | WELMEC

The representative of the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals, Ljiljana Micic, Head of the Group for volume and flow, in the period from September 24 to 25, 2024, participated in the work of the WELMEC working group for measuring equipment for liquids other than water (WG10), which was held hybridly in Paris, France.

The organizer of the meeting was the National Metrological Institute of France - LNE.

The meeting was attended by 22 participants from national metrology institutes and designated bodies (NoBo), four participants with observer status and six representatives of interested parties.

At the meeting, the conclusions of the meeting of the Committee for European Cooperation in Legal Metrology (WELMEC) were presented, as well as information on the work of other WELMEC working groups. Guides, as well as other documents under the jurisdiction of WELMEC WG 10, were discussed.

The next annual meeting of WELMEC WG 10 is planned to take place in September 2025 in the Netherlands.

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The representative of the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals Ljiljana Micic, Head of the Group for volume and flow, attended the meeting of the working group for measures (WGMI), which was held online on September 12, 2024.

The organizer of the meeting was the Working Group for Benchmarks at the European Commission (WGMI), which has 96 members.

The meeting was attended by representatives of organizations of interested parties and appointed representatives of countries that have the following statuses in the European Commission:

- 01 Leader

- 02 Committee members

- 03 EFTA Competent Authority

- 04 EU MS Authority not Committee Member

- 05 Candidate Country Observer

- 06 Industry and International Organization Observer

Planned amendments to the MID European Directive on benchmarks were presented at the meeting. The chairman of the working group, Zsuzsanna DAKAI, emphasized that the amendments are necessary, because the subject and basic requirements of the MID European directive on standards have not been changed for 20 years. Also, the MID European Directive on meters does not include fast charging stations for electric vehicles, nor hydrogen vehicle charging stations, and the requirements cannot be applied to smart meters.

There is a need to amend the MID European Benchmark Directive as soon as possible, in order to avoid the discontinuity of the single market and the associated costs, as well as to support the introduction of "clean mobility" (AFIR - Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation) and achieve the goals in related to energy efficiency (EU directive 2023/1791).

Representatives of the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals, Nebojsa Arsenijevic, Head of the Section for verification of measuring instruments, and Sofija Vuković, Junior Advisor in the Group for metrology in chemistry, participated in the metrology summer school as part of EURAMET TC Flow in the period from September 9 to 13, 2024 in Brno, Czech Republic.

The organizer of the summer school was the National Metrological Institute of the Czech Republic (ČMI). 56 participants attended the summer school.

In addition to theoretical lectures, a practical part was also organized, which included demonstration laboratory measurements. The basics of liquid volume measurements, liquid and gas flow, as well as air flow velocity measurements are presented. The participants were also introduced to calibration methods, as well as other documents and standards related to the traceability of the mentioned measurements.

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Representatives of the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals, Dragana Zivkovic-Micunovic, employed in the Group for Control of Precious Metal Articles and PhD Mladen Miric, metrologist for precious metals in the Group for Control of Precious Metal Articles, participated in the 92nd meeting of the Standing Committee of the Convention (hereinafter: SK Convention) on the control and hallmarking of objects made of precious metals (Hallmarking Convention), which was held on September 5 and 6, 2024 in Vicenza, Italy.

The meeting was attended by representatives of member countries of the SC Convention - 54 officials representing 20 of the 22 member states, 1 applicant state (Ukraine) and 2 participants of the technical program (Moldova and KRISOS/Spain).

The results of the SK Convention's work were presented, especially in the form of the increasing use of the Convention trademark "SSM" (Common Control Mark), whose goal is the safety of end users, as well as the flexibility of business worldwide.

At the meeting, reports from interlaboratory comparisons held this year (Round Robins, RR 57&58) were discussed, in which Serbia also took an active part and presented excellent results of interlaboratory comparisons.

The participants of the SK Convention had the opportunity to get acquainted with the latest technical achievements in the field of testing and stamping of objects made of precious metals. This year, the inter-laboratory testing of marking ("RR on Marking"), with mechanical and laser methods, was launched.

The next meeting of the SC Convention is scheduled for October 2025. On that occasion, the fiftieth anniversary of the existence of the Convention will be marked.

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Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals (hereinafter: DMDM), Group for volume and flow, plans to organize an interlaboratory comparison (PT scheme) for interested accredited and other laboratories in the area of ​​liquid volume, sub-area piston volume devices, namely:

1. Calibrating the plunger pipette

All interested legal entities who wish to participate in the mentioned comparison can submit a request/application on the form Request for issuing a report on interlaboratory comparison (, to the address: Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals, 11000 Belgrade, Mike Alasa 14 or by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., no later than October 4, 2024. Along with the request submitted to DMDM, it is necessary to attach proof of payment of the republican administrative tax in the amount of RSD 400.00.

Participating laboratories will bear the costs of the interlaboratory comparison, as well as the costs of transporting the calibration items. DMDM, as a pilot laboratory, after collecting requests, will provide all participants with a technical comparison protocol and a payment order in the amount of RSD 42,200.00. The laboratories are obliged to ensure the transport of the plunger pipette to the next participating laboratory in accordance with the schedule from the technical comparison protocol.

The representative of the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals, Ljiljana Micic, Head of the Group for Volume and Flow, in the period from June 25 to 27, 2024, participated in the 10th regular annual meeting of the WELMEC working group for water meters and heat energy meters (WELMEC WG 13) and the 6th joint meeting of CEN 92 / WG 2 and WELMEC WG 13, which were held in Prague, Czech Republic.

The organizer of the meetings was the National Metrological Institute of the Czech Republic (CMI). The meetings were chaired by Miroslava Benkova, CMI, Czech Republic.

The WELMEC WG 13 meeting was attended by 20 eminent experts, representatives of national metrology institutes (NMI), designated institutes (DI), a representative of the association of European manufacturers of water meters and heat energy meters (AQUA) and a representative of the German manufacturer SENSUS.

The joint meeting was held hybridly, with the presence of five representatives of the organization CEN 92 / WG 2 for water meters.

The work program was adopted for the period 2024/2025. Proposals for amendments to the WELMEC WG 13 guide were discussed.

Cooperation with other organizations, such as EC WG MI, ISO/TC30/SC7/WG9, CEN, OIML, WELMEC WG 7, WELMEC WG 8, was presented at the meeting.

The next annual meeting of WELMEC WG 13 and the joint meeting of WELMEC WG 13 and CEN 92 / WG 2 are planned to be held in June or September 2025 in Helsinki, Finland or Prague, Czech Republic.

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Monday, 17 June 2024

18th EURAMET General Assembly

Cedomir Belic, Director of the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals, and Nikola Petrovic, Acting Assistant Director for Metrology Development Sector, attended the XVIII General Assembly of EURAMET, the regional organization of Europe, which coordinates the cooperation of the national metrology institutes of Europe in the field of metrology. The EURAMET General Assembly was held in the period from 4 to 6 June 2024 in Teddington, Great Britain. The meeting was hosted by the National Metrology Institute of Great Britain (NPL).

During the meeting, amendments to the EURAMET Statute were adopted, which refer to the obligation of institutes to be members of EURAMET if they wish to provide their services within the framework of the CIPM MRA arrangement.

The Chairman of the General Assembly, Jörn Stenger, reported on significant progress in achieving EURAMET's strategic goals.

The general secretary of EURAMET, Mikko Merimaa, submitted a report on the activities of EURAMET. The chairpersons of EURAMET's technical committees, as well as all European Metrology Networks (EMN), gave presentations on the most significant activities.

A vote was also held for new members of the EURAMET Board of Directors, which elected the representatives of the national metrology institutes of Great Britain, Richard Brown, Norway, Hans Arne Froystein and Germany, Annette Röttger.

Director of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) Martin Milton emphasized that 2025 marks the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Meter Convention and that the BIPM is preparing to mark that significant date in several ways.

It is planned that the next EURAMET General Assembly will be held at the National Institute of Germany (RTV), in Berlin.

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The Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals (hereinafter: DMDM), on June 10, 2024, hosted undergraduate and master students of the Technical Faculty of the University of Novi Sad.

During the visit to the DMDM, the students were introduced to the metrology system in the Republic of Serbia and the role of the DMDM ​​as the national metrology institute of the Republic of Serbia in that system, the importance and method of ensuring metrological traceability to the international level, as well as the 150-year tradition of metrology in Serbia. Through promotional films, the beginnings of measurement in Serbia, the importance and role of DMDM, its competences, jobs and tasks in the field of metrology were presented.

The professional visit included a tour of the laboratories for electrical quantities, mass, length, acoustics, thermometry and large volumes, where the students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the specific jobs and tasks of each laboratory, as well as with national standards, which are kept, maintained and improved in those laboratories.

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The workshop and the General Assembly of EURACHEM were held as part of the EURACHEM week 2024, in the period from May 12 to 17, 2024, in Vilnius, Lithuania.

EURACHEM represents a network of organizations in Europe, whose goal is to establish a system for the international traceability of chemical measurements and the promotion of good laboratory practice.

Representatives of the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals PhD Jelena Bebic, head of the Group for Metrology in Chemistry and Sofija Vukovic, intern in the Group for Metrology in Chemistry, attended the workshop "Quality assurance in chemical, medical and microbiological laboratories", which was held on the 13th and May 14, 2024.

The organizer of the workshop was EURACHEM - Lithuania. The workshop was attended by 52 participants.

The areas covered during this workshop are validation of equipment, software and methods, metrological traceability and assessment of measurement uncertainty, as well as internal and external quality control.

At the end of the workshop, the EURACHEM General Assembly was held, where reports from EURACHEM member countries on activities during 2023 were presented. PhD Jelena Bebic submitted a report on Serbia's activities for 2023. The election of new members of the EURACHEM management was carried out, the mandates of existing members were confirmed, and some were extended.

The entire EURACHEM week 2024 was dedicated to celebrating the jubilee - 35 years of EURACHEM

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In the framework of the cooperation between the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals (hereinafter: DMDM), Group for Metrology in Chemistry, and the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, at DMDM was organized a one-week professional practice for students on the final year of the studies in the Biochemical engineering and biotechnology study program.  Practice was in May,  and it will be continued in June 2024. The practice is organized for two students per working week.

Students were first introduced with the role, duties and work of DMDM​​ and after that they participated in the regular activities of the Group for Metrology in Chemistry.

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Directorate for Measurements and Precious Metals (hereinafter: DMDM) celebrated World Metrology Day. Celebration took place in the most beautiful oasis of the city of Belgrade, the Botanical Garden "Jevremovac", on Monday, 20th of May 2024.

World Metrology Day is celebrated on the occasion of the anniversary of the signing of the Meter Convention, which in 1875 established a framework for international cooperation in the field of metrology for industrial, commercial and social applications. As a signatory to the Meter Convention since 1879, Serbia has been applying the International System of Units for 145 years.

Every year, more attention is paid to a certain topic, so this year, we celebrate the World Metrology Day on the topic "We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow". Sustainability, as the theme of World Metrology Day 2024, was chosen because measurement capabilities are key to fostering a sustainable global economy and environment.

Cedomir Belic, director of DMDM, opened the meeting by greeting the attendees and pointed out that this year is particularly significant. During the 42nd session of the UNESCO General Conference, the annual observance of May 20th as World Metrology Day was officially recognized. This recognition opens up new approaches for the promotion of metrology, aligning with UNESCO's mission to build a better world through science and education.

The panel discussion on the topic "We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow" was introduced by the moderator Marina Radojevic, employed at DMDM ​​as quality management representative. The panelists were PhD Vladimir Djurdjevic - Faculty of Physics, PhD Ana Vukovic Vimic - Faculty of Agriculture, PhD Tomica Misljenovic - Faculty of Biology and PhD Dusan Matijasevic, metrologist in the Group for Electrical Measurements in DMDM.

Participants in the panel discussion emphasized on the importance of metrology in  21st century, considering all the challenges that await us due to climate changes. Some of this challenges include global warming, the occurrence of extreme weather events, as well as the impact of air pollution on the living world. Focus is on development and application of clean energy sources in future.

After the panel discussion, a cocktail party was organised for all guests in the pleasant surroundings of the Botanical Garden with musical performances of the string quartet in the background.  A group tour of the Botanical Garden with an expert guides were arranged as well.

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As part of World Metrology Day, Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals (hereinafter: DMDM) ​​hosted the students from the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Belgrade, on Friday, May 17, 2024.

Students were introduced with the importance of metrology, as a science of measurements. Measurements are  present in all areas of human activity. The main role of metrology is to ensure the metrological traceability to the international level and to point out the long tradition of metrology in Serbia.

Also, students were informed about the theme of the World Metrology Day 2024 "We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow", which is given special attention because measurement capabilities are key to fostering a sustainable global economy and environment.

Through the promotional film, the importance and role of DMDM, as a national metrology institution, its competences, jobs and tasks in the field of metrology were presented.

The expert visit included a tour of the laboratories for time, large volumes, acoustics, length and mass.

During the visit to the laboratories, the students had the opportunity to become more familiar with the possibilities of measurement and calibration, as well as other tasks that DMDM ​​performs as a national metrology institute.

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The representative of the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals, Ljiljana Micic, Head of the Group for Volume and Flow, participated in the work of the EURAMET Technical Committee for Flow (EURAMET TC-F), which was held from April 23 to 25, 2024 in Kajani, in Finland.

The organizer of the meeting was the National Metrology Institute of Finland MIKES (VTT Technical Research Center of Finland Ltd, Center for Metrology MIKES).

The meeting was attended by about 50 eminent experts, representatives of National Metrological Institutes (NMI) and Designated Institutes (DI) from most European countries.

Significant topics presented at the meeting were interlaboratory comparisons in the areas of liquid volume, liquid flow, gas flow and fluid flow rate, measurement and calibration capabilities (CMCs), and collaboration within networks and digital transformation.

All currently active networks were also presented, as well as the need to provide stronger support to member countries in the development of measurement capabilities at all scientific and technical levels. Thematic priorities are industrial innovation, health, energy/green energy and digital transformation.

During the meeting of the liquid volume subcommittee, Ljiljana Micic presented the status of the supplementary comparison EURAMET.M.FF-S16 (EURAMET 1533) of the calibration of piston volume devices in the capacity of comparison coordinator, in which 14 European countries participate.

It was proposed that the next meeting be organized by the National Institute of Spain (CEM) in the city of Tres Cantos, Spain.

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The representative of the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals, Slobodan Zelenika, Head of the Section for Dimensional, Optical Quantities and Acoustics, from April 23 to 24, 2024, actively participated in the work of the EURAMET Technical Committee for Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration (EURAMET TC-AUV ), as well as at the meeting of the Subcommittee for Acoustics, which were held this year in Dublin, in the Republic of Ireland.

The EURAMET TC-AUV meeting was attended by over 40 eminent experts, representatives of national metrological institutes (NMI) and designated laboratories from most European countries. The meeting was organized and hosted by the National Metrology Institute of the Republic of Ireland (NSAI NML).

At the meetings, reports from all subcommittees within EURAMET TC-AUV, statuses of current ERM projects and projects related to various types of cooperation between national metrology institutes, results of key comparisons, as well as information regarding the status of reported measurement and calibration capabilities (CMC) were discussed.

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