Tasks and activities
- Sector for development of metrology performs tasks related to:
- Safeguarding of legal measuring unit system in the Republic of Serbia;
- Development, realisation, conservation, maintenance and improvement of the measurement standards of the Republic of Serbia;
- Provision of metrological traceability of the measurement standards of the Republic of Serbia to international level;
- Provision of metrological traceability in the certain fields of metrology;
- Performance of calibration in the certain fields of metrology;
- Provision of metrology related expertise,
- Performance of conformity assessments of measuring instruments
- Performance of time dissemination activities;
- Representation of the Republic of Serbia in international and regional organizations for metrology and cooperation in the field of legal, industrial and scientific metrology;
- Cooperation with other authorities, economic subjects and public services in the field of metrology;
- Organizing and conducting inter-laboratory comparisons in the field of metrology;
- Provision of metrology information from the scope of the Sector that are of public interest,
- Preparation of regulations governing metrology;
- Provision of expert opinion on issues in various fields of metrology and in this regard organizing seminars and participation in professional meetings.
In the Sector for the development of metrology, following internal units are formed:
- Group for electrical quantities;
- Group for time and frequency;
- Group for metrology in chemistry;
- Section for dimensional, optical quantities and acoustics;
- Group for mass, force and pressure;
- Group for volume and flow;
- Group for thermometry.
Acting Assistant Director:
Nikola Petrović
Phone: +381 11 20 24 400; +381 11 32 82 736
Fax: +381 11 21 81 668
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Directorate of measures and precious metals
Sector for development of metrology
14 Mike Alasa St. 11000 Belgrade
Republic of Serbia