Direktor DMDM Čedomir Belić

As the science of measurements metrology is present in almost all fields of human activities, especially when measurements are performed in the public interest, in the field of health protection and general safety, and environmental protection. Its achievements are applied when there is a need to determine the quantity and quality of products and services, and on the occasion of scientific research. As a component of quality infrastructure, metrology is extremely important to scientific, technical and technological progress of national economies.

Metrology has a long tradition in our country. The Law on Measures of 1st December 1873 introduced the decimal metric system, and it helped establish the Department of Measures within the Ministry of Finance of the Principality of Serbia with a task to ensure control of measures and comparisons of prototypes. Furthermore, in 1879 Serbia became a member of the Meter Convention.

Nowadays Ministry of Economy, Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals, performs activities pertaining to the control of the system of legal units of measurement, development, realization, official recognition and improvement of measurement standards of the Republic of Serbia, and provide traceability of measurement results, testing of pre-packaged products, metrological supervision, conformity assessment of measuring instruments, drafting of regulations governing metrology, provision of metrology-related information, distribution of time and other activities in the field of metrology.
The mission of the Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals, as the leading metrology institutions in Serbia, is to develop and ensure the implementation of adequate measurement infrastructure that provides accurate, reliable and fair measurements whose purpose is to contribute to the prosperity, to improve the quality of life of citizens and to increase the competitiveness of our economy.

Čedomir Belić, Director of the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals, Serbia

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