- take care of system of legal units of measurement in the Republic of Serbia
- develop, realize, proclaim, keep up, maintain and improve standards of the Republic of Serbia
- coordinate and supervise the work of appointed holders of national standards
- provide metrological traceability
- research and development in the field of metrology
- conduct testing of pre-packaged products in order to verify compliance with metrological requirements
- represent the Republic of Serbia in international and regional metrological organizations, ensure performance of obligations arising from membership in these organizations, and establish cooperation in the field of metrology
- perform metrological supervision
- perform metrological supervision
- supervise the work of authorized bodies
- conformity assessment of measuring instruments
- decide in administrative proceedings in the field of metrology
- perform metrology expertise
- prepare strategy and regulations in the field of metrology
- keep the register of measuring instruments subject to legal control and other prescribed records
- provide metrological information and publish official gazette
- time dissemination
- provide professional assistance and perform training for tasks in the field of metrology
- publishing
- perform other tasks in the field of metrology in accordance with the Law