
Representative of the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals Slavica Simic, Head of the Group for Thermometry, in the period from April 16 to 19, 2024, participated in the work of the EURAMET Technical Committee for Thermometry (EURAMET TC-T), which this year was held in Broclav, in Poland.

The EURAMET TC-T meeting was attended by about 70 representatives of national metrology institutions, designated institutes, EURAMET and other guests. The organizer of the meeting was the Institute for Low Temperature and Structural Research - INTiBS.

During this meeting, a workshop was held on the introduction of digitization in laboratory work. At the workshop, significant experiences and benefits from issuing a digital certificate for laboratories and end users were shared.

As part of the work of EURAMET TC-T, a meeting of contact persons of the Technical Subcommittee for relative humidity was held, as well as a meeting of the working group for thermophysical quantities. Special attention is paid to key, supplementary and other comparisons.

Also, at the EURAMET TC-T meeting, achievements were presented within the networking of national metrology institutions, scientific and other institutions into European metrology networks - EMN, namely for: clean energy, gas energy, quantum technologies, advanced technologies, climate and ocean monitoring.

The EURAMET representative for capacity development, Tanasko Tasic, presented achievements in the area of ​​training and capacity development, exchange of experts, as well as the possibility of starting small specialized projects for the development of metrology.

The next meeting of the Technical Committee for Thermometry and other accompanying meetings within this body will be held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, organized by the Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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20 May is World Metrology Day, commemorating the anniversary of the signing of the Metre Convention in Paris, in 1875. This treaty provides the basis for a worldwide coherent measurement system that underpins scientific discovery and innovation, industrial manufacturing and international trade, as well as the improvement of the quality of life and the protection of the global environment.

The theme for World Metrology Day 2024 is Sustainability, chosen for its relevance to various measurement opportunities crucial for fostering a sustainable global economy and environment. Examples include measuring energy use in industries, buildings and transportation, managing resources in agriculture and forestry, identifying pollution sources, and setting targets for environmental protection. Accurate measurements of vehicle emissions and fuel consumption are vital for regulatory compliance and designing sustainable transportation options. The assessment and management of manufacturing processes and waste streams, facilitated by accurate measurements, contribute to improved environmental stewardship.

Across the world, national metrology laboratories continually advance measurement science by developing and validating new measurement techniques at the necessary level of sophistication. The national metrology institutes participate in measurement comparisons coordinated by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) or by the Regional Metrology Organizations, to ensure the reliability of measurement results worldwide.

The International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) develops International Recommendations, which aim to align and harmonize requirements worldwide in many fields. The OIML also operates the OIML Certification System (OIML-CS) which facilitates international acceptance and global trade of regulated measuring instruments.

These international metrology systems provide the necessary assurance and confidence that measurements are accurate, providing a sound basis for global trade today and helping us to prepare for the challenges of tomorrow.

World Metrology Day acknowledges and honors the contributions of individuals working in intergovernmental, regional, and national metrology organizations and institutes year-round. In November 2023, a significant milestone was reached as the UNESCO General Conference, during its 42nd Session, officially recognized the celebration on 20 May annually. Underscoring its pivotal role in advancing global scientific cooperation, this endorsement opens up new avenues to promote metrology, aligning with UNESCO's mission to build a better world through science and education.

Source: World Metrology Day - 20 May 2024

The Rulebook on certification of automatic scales for individual measurement was published in the "Official Gazette of RS", number 31/24 of April 11, 2024, which enters into force on April 19, 2024, and begins to be applied from January 1, 2025.

This regulation prescribes in more detail the method and conditions of periodic and extraordinary verification (hereinafter: verification) of automatic scales for individual measurement (hereinafter: scales), the requirements that the scale must fulfill during verification, as well as the method of determining the fulfillment of requirements for scales.

Based on the Law on Time Calculation ("Official Gazette of the SCG", No. 20/06), daylight saving time in 2024 begins on March 31, 2024 at 2 h, 00 min, 00 s, so that, moving by one hour ahead, the time at 2 h, 00 min, 00 s counts as 3 h, 00 min, 00 s.


The representative of the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals, Jasmina Zukan Banović, metrologist for metrology in chemistry - coordinator, in the period from March 20 to 22, 2024, actively participated in the work of the EURAMET Technical Committee for Quality (EURAMET TC-Q), which was held this year in Delft, in the Netherlands.

The EURAMET TC-Q meeting was attended by over 40 eminent experts, representatives of national metrology institutes and designated laboratories from most European countries. The organizer and host of the meeting was the National Metrological Institute of the Netherlands (VSL).

At this year's meeting, the five-year reports of committee members were presented with the aim of confirming the functioning of the quality system of metrology institutes and designated laboratories.

The next meeting of TC-Q contact persons will be held from 26 to 28 March 2025 in Oslo/Kjeller organized by Justervesenet – Norwegian Metrology Service (JV).

The Rulebook on certification of gauges and measuring systems for continuous and dynamic measurement of quantities of liquids other than water - devices for liquids used for washing windshields was published in the "Official Gazette of the RS", number 24/24 of March 22, 2024, which enters into force on March 30, 2024, and begins to be applied from January 1, 2025.

This regulation prescribes in more detail the method and conditions of periodic and extraordinary verification (hereinafter: verification) of gauges and measuring systems for continuous and dynamic measurement of the amount of liquids other than water - devices for liquids used for washing the windshield (hereinafter: device ), the requirements that the device must meet during authentication, as well as the method of determining the fulfillment of the requirements for the device.

The Rulebook on certification of medical thermometers was published in the "Official Gazette of the RS", number 19/24 of March 13, 2024, which will enter into force on March 21, 2024.

This regulation prescribes in more detail the method and conditions of periodic and extraordinary verification (hereinafter: verification) of medical thermometers used for health protection in healthcare institutions (hereinafter: thermometers), the requirements that thermometers must meet during verification, as well as the method determining the fulfillment of those requirements.

For the first time, this rulebook prescribes the requirements for certification of ear thermometers.

The representative of the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals, Jasmina Lazarevic, Metrologist for Alternating Voltage and Current in the The Section for Electrical Quantities, on March 6 and 7, 2024, participated in the work of the EURAMET Technical Committee for Interdisciplinary Metrology (EURAMET TC-IM) which this year was held hybridly.

The organizer of the meeting was the National Metrological Institute of Sweden (RISE). The meeting was held in Gothenburg and Boras with the participation of 43 representatives of national metrological institutes (NMI).

Important topics presented at the meeting were about important ongoing EURAMET projects, such as projects for the development of digital certificates, data management in European metrology and sensor network metrology. The activities of Mathmet (mathematics and statistics) within EURAMET European metrology networks and the working group for digital transformation in metrology (WGM4D) were presented.

Also presented were topics on the creation of calibration guides, news in EURAMET's work, activities within EURAMET Capacity Building and the platform for knowledge transfer (e-learning) set up on the BIPM website.

Proposals and initiatives for new projects that will contribute to the further development of metrology are expected in the further work of EURAMET TC-IM.

Under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy, on March 6 and 7, 2024, the traditional 33rd manifestation "Quality Week 2024" was held at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce. The organizer of "Quality Week 2024" is the Foundation for the Culture of Quality and Excellence (FQCE) with the support of the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals (hereinafter: DMDM).

This manifestation gathers experts in the field of quality - experts from business and science, with the aim of pointing out new trends and requirements for improving quality on the way to business excellence, with the possibility of exchanging experiences and socializing with business partners.

Representatives of DMDM, Nikola Petrovic Acting Assistant Director of the Sector for Development of Metrology, Marina Radojevic, Quality Manager and Jasmina Zukan Banovic, Metrologist for Metrology in Chemistry - Coordinator, attended this event, and Nikola Petrović addressed the attendees and thanked the organizers on behalf of DMDM.

At the ceremonial opening of this event, Nikola Vitas, Acting Assistant Minister of Economy, Sector for Product Quality and Safety, indicated in his address, among other things, that in the previous period the Ministry of Economy established a stable legal and institutional framework in the field of standardization, metrology, accreditation and conformity assessment and that it continuously works on its improvement.

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The Rulebook on certification of active electricity meters of accuracy classes A, B, C, 2, 1 and 0.5 S was published in the Official Gazette of the RS", No. 14/2024 of February 23, 2024, which enters into force on March 2, 2024, and it begins to be applied from January 1, 2025.

This regulation prescribes in more detail the method and conditions of periodic and extraordinary verification (hereinafter: verification) of active electricity meters (hereinafter: meter), the requirements that the meter must fulfill during verification, as well as the method of determining the fulfillment of those requirements.

The rulebook on certification of heat energy meters was published in the Official Gazette of the RS, No. 14/2024 of February 23, 2024, which enters into force on March 2, 2024, and begins to be applied from January 1, 2025.

This regulation prescribes in more detail the method and conditions of periodic and extraordinary verification (hereinafter: verification) of heat energy meters (hereinafter: meters), the requirements that the meter must fulfill during verification, as well as the method of determining the fulfillment of those requirements.

The Rulebook on the certification of exhaust gas analyzers was published in the Official Gazette of the RS, No. 14/2024 of February 23, 2024, which enters into force on March 2, 2024, and begins to be applied from January 1, 2025.

This regulation prescribes in more detail the method and conditions of periodic and extraordinary verification (hereinafter: verification) of exhaust gas analyzers (hereinafter: analyzers), the requirements that the analyzer must fulfill during verification, as well as the method of determining the fulfillment of those requirements.

The representative of Directorate of  Measures and Precious Metals, Dr Jelena Bebić, Head of Group for Metrology in Chemistry, from 6.  to 8. February 2024, has actively participated in the work of the EURAMET Technical Committee on Metrology in Chemistry (EURAMET TC-MC) as well as at the subcommittee meeting for organic and bio analysis in  Delft, Netherlands.

The EURAMET TC-MC meeting was attended by over 60 eminent experts, representatives of the National Metrology Institutes (NMI) and designated laboratories from most European countries. The host and the organizer of the meeting was VSL, National Metrology Institute of Netherlands.

Reports from all subcommittees within TC-MC, the status of current EPM projects, current European Metrology Networks (EMNs), projects related to various types of cooperation between National Metrology Institutes, key comparisons, as well as information regarding the status of  submitted and published calibration and measurement capabilities  (CMCs) were discussed at the meeting.

The representative of the Directorate for Measurements and Precious Metals (hereinafter: DMDM), Boban Zarkov, Metrologist for Quantities of Optical Radiation - Coordinator, in the period from January 22 to 26, 2024, participated in the work of the EURAMET Technical Committee for Photometry and Radiometry ( EURAMET TC-PR), which this year was held hybridly in Istanbul, Turkey.

The organizer of the meetings was the National Metrology Institute of Turkey - UME Tubitak. The meeting was attended by 19 participants from national metrology institutes, 12 guests from institutions that actively participate in the work of EURAMET and 13 metrologists who participated in the work of the technical committee via the Internet.

During this meeting, a workshop on single-photon radiation sources and a retrospective of previous research through the EURAMET project SEQUME was held, including all project partners as well as interested parties from the field of industry and telecommunications.

Also, a seminar was held in the form of a training, where the participants were shown the Toolbox used by the pilot laboratories in Euramet's key comparisons. Mathematical models of the final result of the participants, the use of the Phython programming language, as well as the Rulebook on the selection of a pilot laboratory were discussed.

The meeting discussed key comparisons, as well as the measurement results that DMDM submits to this technical committee in a timely manner.

By participating in the work of EURAMET TC-PR and raising metrological education through constant contacts with leading laboratories in the world, better and better metrological work of the laboratory for optical sizes and acoustics DMDM is enabled, as well as raising the quality of services in the field of photometry and radiometry.

The Rulebook on certification of gauges and measuring systems for continuous and dynamic measurement of the amount of liquids other than water installed on a vehicle and on a vehicle with a tank was published in the Official Gazette of the RS", No. 5/2024 of January 22, 2024, which enters into force on 30 January 2024, and it starts to be applied on January 1, 2025.

This regulation prescribes in more detail the manner and conditions of periodic and extraordinary verification (hereinafter: verification) of gauges and measuring systems for continuous and dynamic measurement of the amount of liquids other than water installed on the vehicle and on the vehicle with a tank (hereinafter: measuring systems), requirements that the measuring system must meet during verification, as well as the method of determining the fulfillment of the requirements for the measuring system.

The Rulebook on certification of gauges and measuring systems for continuous and dynamic measurement of quantities of liquids other than water - devices for dispensing liquefied petroleum gas was published in the "Official Gazette of the RS", number 5/2024 of January 22, 2024, which enters into force on 30 January 2024, and it starts to be applied on January 1, 2025.

This regulation prescribes in more detail the method and conditions of periodic and extraordinary verification (hereinafter: verification) of gauges and measuring systems for continuous and dynamic measurement of the amount of liquids other than water - liquefied petroleum gas dispensing devices (hereinafter: LPG dispensing devices) , the requirements that the LPG dispenser must meet during certification, as well as the method of determining the fulfillment of the requirements for the LPG dispenser.

The Rulebook on certification of gas meters with bellows was published in the "Official Gazette of the RS", number 4/2024 of January 19, 2024, which enters into force on January 27, 2024, and begins to be applied from January 1, 2025.

This rulebook specifies in more detail the method and conditions of periodic and extraordinary verification (hereinafter: verification) of gas meters with bellows, the requirements that gas meters with bellows must meet during verification, as well as the method of determining the fulfillment of requirements for gas meters with bellows.

The Directorate for Measurements and Precious Metals (hereinafter: DMDM), Section for Length, Optical Quantities and Acoustics, plans to organize an inter-laboratory comparison (PT-scheme) in the area of length in the following period, subarea calibration of limit plane-parallel measures of length:

1. Calibration of limit plane-parallel measures of length.

All interested legal entities who wish to participate in the aforementioned comparison can submit a request/application on the form Request for issuing a report on interlaboratory comparison (, to the address: Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals, 11000 Belgrade, Mike Alasa 14 or by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., no later than March 1, 2024.

DMDM, as a pilot laboratory, after collecting the applications, will agree with the participants on the technical protocol of the interlaboratory comparison and determine the start date of the mentioned activity.

Participating laboratories will be obliged to transport the artifact to the next laboratory participating in the interlaboratory comparison at their own expense and in accordance with the pre-agreed schedule from the technical protocol of the interlaboratory comparison.

For participation in the interlaboratory comparison, in accordance with the Law on Republic Administrative Fees, a republican administrative fee is paid, namely:

- request fee in the amount of RSD 380.00. Proof of payment of this fee shall be submitted with the request for issuing a report on interlaboratory comparison;

- fee for interlaboratory comparison, per working hour, in the total amount of RSD 40,200.00. This fee is paid after the application is submitted, based on the payment order submitted by the DMDM.

The stated amounts may be changed in the event of an amendment to the Law on Republic Administrative Fees.

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