Corruption is a relationship based on the abuse of power in public or private sectors, that is used to achieve personal gain or benefits for another person.

Significant forms of corruption are giving and receiving bribery. Corruption also covers doing various services based on friendships, giving and receiving gifts, making certain immoral connections, customary and other accepted codes, offering gifts and organizing banquets in the form of presentations that take traits of wasting state property, minor attempts of bribing certain state and public workers.

Additionally, corruption also includes acquiring material gain through abuse of power, stealing by public sector officials, maintaining unethical connections with private sectors, bribery in a case where the state decides on certain legal or human rights, misuse of information that is of significance for commerce and business issues, sabotaging the competition or various others activities.



Law on Prevention of Corruption 
National Anti-Corruption Strategy 
Action plan for the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy 
Code of conduct for state officials 
Code on the prohibition of corruptive behavior 
Whistleblower protection act 
Rules on the procedure of internal alerting 
Gifts Directive 
Person in charge of anti-corruption affairs at DMDM 
Authorized person for receiving information and conducting procedures regarding corruption alerts in the DMDM 
CORRUPTION REPORT FORM WordIkonica pdf ikona  
Conduct procedure regarding the complaints on the reports of corrupt behavior  
Authorized person for maintaining records on gifts for functionaries and other employees of Directorate for measures and precious metals 
Person in charge of providing confidential advice and guidance to employees regarding the prevention of conflicts of interest 
Guidelines on managing conflicts of interest in the Directorate for measures and precious metals
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